Friday, May 10, 2013

“Obsolete Spaces” Fills Art Space

Librarian Alanna Carswell stands in front of a section of the Shellbrook Art Council sponsored Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils’ touring exhibition featuring work by artist Wendy Wessen.
Librarian Alanna Carswell stands in front of a section of the Shellbrook Art Council sponsored Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils’ touring exhibition featuring work by artist Wendy Wessen.
The Shellbrook Public Library invites you to come in May to see the intriguing art on display and join Laura Lepard again as she continues to offer health presentations. The Library would like to remind parents that Friday morning Story Time is on and is open to all comers.

The Library is home for a little while to Wendy Weseen’s art exhibition “Obsolete Spaces”. “In this exhibition, Weseen explores the abandonment and decay of homes and buildings in rural Saskatchewan” through three-dimensional art boxes. The collection has generated interest because of the amazing detail and depth captured. This collection has been brought in by the Shellbrook Art Council and it is the first to be displayed on the new clipboard gallery installed by the Council in April. Weseen’s exhibition is touring through the Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils’ (OSAC) “Arts on the Move” program. The aim of OSAC is to provide quality exhibitions to communities that will enhance awareness and appreciation of Saskatchewan and Canadian artists.

On Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 pm Laura Lepard will highlight how to lose weight effortlessly by sharing materials from Doctor John McDougal and Mary McDougal. Visit their website to learn more and sign up for their free newsletter. Lepard will share her story and family’s experience with a whole-plant based diet and serve up weightless refreshments.

Story Time continues to sail forward following the “Anchors and Sails” reading program on Fridays at 10:30 am. With the healthy mixture of vowels and consonants presented, every new letter sound increases the number of words that can be read. We have “quh” for queen coming up in honour of Mother’s Day. If you are interested in volunteering your time to read or do crafts, please contact Alanna at 306-747-3419.

Free computer and Internet access is offered by the Library to the public even with the cancellation of the Community Access Program (CAP) in March 2012. Also available are the many databases like world newspapers with Library PressDisplay (such as the P.A. Daily Herald and Saskatoon StarPhoenix), Consumer Reports online, and Ancestry Library Edition for getting started on discovering your family’s history. All you need to access the material is your library card and a PIN which can be easily set up during your next library visit.