Friday, May 18, 2012

Spring Cleaning at the Library

The Shellbrook Public Library is freshening up with a new coat of paint over the May 25-28 weekend. Children’s Story Time is in its last month before the start of summer with the Summer Reading Club. The Library is also presenting a program on how to use the Library’s online catalogue on May 31 at 7:00pm.

Spring is the time for cleaning and the Library is preparing to do just that as it cleans up for a new coat of paint. Preparing the Library on Friday May 25 will occur in the afternoon and will not disturb patrons in the Library beyond a bit of noise. Painting itself will happen over the weekend on Saturday May 24 and Sunday May 25, with the Library being put back together on Monday May 28. We are quite excited and looking forward to seeing the Library’s fresh look!

Children’s Story Time is wrapping up for the year with two more programs being held on May 18 and May 25 at 10:30 am. May 25 is Teddy Bear’s Picnic so be sure to bring your teddy bears! The Library extends a warm welcome to Anne Gabourey who has become our volunteer reader. The 2012 TD Summer Reading Club begins in June with the creative theme of “Imagine.” The Library can just imagine how much fun the club is going to be this year!

The Library is offering a class on Thursday, May 31 at 7:00pm, on how to learn how to use the online catalogue to find books, order in items, and what to do when you just can’t find the title you want. Openings are limited to the seven available computer seats at the Library so hurry to register by dropping in or phoning Librarian Alanna at 747-3419.

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