Friday, March 29, 2013

Library Armed With New Tools

The Shellbrook Public Library is excited to announce the arrival of two very valuable tools to its arsenal of information. In April join Laura Lepard again as she continues to offer health presentations, this time with a focus on diabetes and the Library would like to remind parents that Friday morning Story Time is on and is open to all comers.

Because of the high interest throughout the trials held in December 2012, during the first week of April, Ancestry Library Edition (a subscription-based genealogy research website with billions of records online) and Consumer Reports (a magazine and online database that rates and recommends thousands of products and services) will be joining the Wapiti Regional Library’s databases. Keep an eye on the website at for an announcement once the databases are officially available. Ancestry Library Edition will be an in-library use only database but Consumer Reports will be accessible from your home computers. The databases are a collection of resources from world newspapers with Library PressDisplay, to health with Health & Wellness Resource Centre, to mechanics with Small Engine Repair Reference Center, and more that are accessible to library patrons. All you need is your library card and a PIN to act as your password. If you are not already set up with a PIN, visit your local library to set one up today.

On Tuesday, April 9th at 7:00 pm Laura Lepard will share materials from Doctor John McDougal and Mary McDougal as they discuss diabetic connections with diet. Doctor John McDougal is a board certified internist, author of eleven international bestselling books, and medical director of the 10-Day Live In McDougal program in Santa Rosa, California. Mary McDougal is a nurse, educator, and co-author of nine bestselling books. She directs all food oriented activities at the program and has created over 2500 recipes. Visit their website to learn more and sign up for their free newsletter. Lepard will share her story and family’s experience with a whole-plant based diet and serve up insulin-responsible refreshments.

Story Time continues to sail forward following the “Anchors and Sails” reading program on Fridays at 10:30 am. With the healthy mixture of vowels and consonants presented, every new letter sound increases the number of words that can be read. If you are interested in volunteering your time to read or do crafts, please contact Alanna at 306-747-3419.

The Library continues to offers free computer and Internet access to the public even with the cancellation of the Community Access Program (CAP) in March 2012. Would you like to bring back funding and keep public computer access for everyone? Drop on by the Library to sign a postcard to the Prime Minister.

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