Friday, May 23, 2014

The Library Goes on a European River Cruise

Deb Mervold stands in Keukenhof, or “Kitchen Garden,” in the small town of Lisse about forty-five minutes southwest of Amsterdam. “The gardens were amazing. It was mainly tulips, daffodils, hyacinth and a few others,” Mervold said. “The smell was gorgeous."
Deb Mervold stands in Keukenhof, or “Kitchen Garden,” in the small town of Lisse about forty-five minutes southwest of Amsterdam. “The gardens were amazing. It was mainly tulips, daffodils, hyacinth and a few others,” Mervold said. “The smell was gorgeous."
The Shellbrook Public Library invites you for an exciting Travel Night on a European River Cruise in the last week of May. As we celebrate the warming weather, escape with the little ones down to the Library’s Story Time on Friday for a morning of stories and crafts.

At the Travel Night on Wednesday, May 28th at 7:00 pm, come cruise with Deb Mervold who sailed from Amsterdam to Zurich on a European River Cruise. Come for a scenic tour down the Rhine and Moselle rivers through the countries of the Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland.

Children’s Story Time is held on Fridays at 10:30 am. We welcome all comers, old and new and are sure you will have fun listening to good stories and making fun crafts. This year’s theme is Serendipity so come and discover what surprises are springing from the craft box. If you are interested in volunteering your time to read or do crafts, please contact Alanna at 306-747-3419.

Free computer and Internet access is offered by the Library to the public along with a wide ranging collection of online databases. The newest addition to the collection accessible for free is Ancestry Library Editions. Discover the records and clues your ancestors have left to be discovered in census, vital records, directories, photos, and other databases. Librarian Alanna has experience in Ancestry and loves family history challenges so do not hesitate to ask for suggestions. Note, Ancestry is one of the databases that can only be accessed from a library, unlike Consumer Reports.

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