Friday, January 7, 2011

Bringing in the New Year at the Library

Librarian Alanna Carswell presenting thank you gifts to Madison and Myranda Lepard for their exciting and interactive Travel Club Night "Russia" presentation on November 19th. © Shellbrook Public Library

The Shellbrook Public Library is having its Calendar Sale and would like to remind Children’s Story Time attendees that we break in January. Some big news for the New Year is that the Library now has access to online e-books and audiobooks.

The Library is again selling calendars for $5. Supplies are limited so hurry in to pick one up for yourself.

Children’s Story Time is breaking for the cold month of January as no one likes being in their own rendition of “Thomas’ Snowsuit.” Story Time will resume on February 4th with the letter and theme: “L is for Librarian.”

If you are a member of the Library and have internet connection on an e-book reader, audiobook device, or computer, you can now borrow items online at Patrons can borrow up to five items at a time for 7 or 14 day periods. If all the copies of a title are checked out, you can place a hold on the title. There are no fees to borrow and no overdue fines as once a loan period has expired, the item expires from your device. More useful information to use this new service can be found at the website and Librarian Alanna Carswell is available at 747-3419 to answer questions as well.

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