Friday, January 14, 2011

Reading and Writing in the New Year

Creative Writing Workshop participants Alanna Carswell and Marj Bradley are deeply engaged in a timed writing exercise. Outside the photo, workshop leader Laurie Muirhead keeps an eye on the clock. © Shellbrook Public Library

The New Year started with many people interested in the new e-books available online at the Library. To celebrate Family Literacy day at the end of January the Library will host a presentation on teaching preschoolers to read. The successful Creative Writing Workshop hosted in November has lead to the formation of writer’s support group.

The Library now has e-books and audiobooks accessible online at Using a device or your computer, you download your selection of choice and enjoy it for 7 or 14 days. After that, it expires so there are no overdue fees to worry about. If your selection is not available you can put it on hold. Librarian Alanna Carswell welcomes questions in person or by phone at 747-3419.

On Thursday, January 27th the Library will take part in Family Literacy Day with a presentation by Nancy Carswell on her personal experience with Bev Jaremko’s ‘Anchors and Sails: A Reading Program for Beginners.’ This program just takes minutes a day and is a fun, engaging way to teach your preschooler to read. The presentation will be at the Library at 7:00 pm with alphabet refreshments afterwards.

Laurie Lynn Murihead’s Creative Writing Workshop proved valuable to participants. The timed writing exercises were challenging and the sharing session after each exercise lead to informative discussions about the art and craft of writing. Two noteworthy exercises were a descriptive writing piece including all the senses and writing on a randomly chosen calendar picture. As there was an interest in forming a writing support group, there will be a meeting on Thursday, February 3rd at 7:00 pm at the Library. Anyone who is interested in writing is welcome to this initial meeting when we will discuss goals and if Thursdays are better than Mondays. Please call Alanna at 747-3419 if you are interested and cannot make this first meeting.

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